White Liberals vs White Conservatives

D.A. Wilson
3 min readJan 17, 2022

A Literary Venn Diagram

Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

United States citizens are big on freedom. There’s no hiding that. In the past years, we saw anarchy throughout the country that resulted from the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the shooting of Jacob Blake. Cities around the country burned as people took to the streets in protest. We saw Donald Trump hold up the presidency because white privilege doesn’t just stop at the civilian level. The country saw the January 6th riot, where even affluent Americans took center stage to fill their roles in the mutiny of our government. In both instances, both sides were fighting for freedom. Or at least their own meanings of freedom. Both sides rebelled, each blaming the other for the issues in our society. And no one actually taking ownership.

The country, our name is ironic. The United States has never been united. The foundation of our nation is divisiveness and hatred, or some call it bipartisanship. In all of our conflicts, there are two sides, black against white, right against left, liberal against conservative. It’s always a coin flip. In this piece, we’re focusing on the liberal and conservative fight. I’ve been around both sides and honestly, both are fucked up. They are more alike than different.



D.A. Wilson

Photographer-Writer-Mentor I'm attempting to live life on my terms using the freedom of creativity. My goal is to live life without the fear of failure.